DBB’s Third Annual Pledge Drive, February 5 – 10!

| February 10th, 2024

2023 was a landmark year for DaBearsBlog, with the introduction of our second editor-in-chief, Robert K. Schmitz. The result has been traffic reaching new in-season heights as Robert modernized our content with the incorporation of video, podcasts and more film study in six months than this site had provided in the previous sixteen years combined.

But we can only do this work because of our annual pledge drives. We will NEVER put our content behind a paywall, instead channeling the NPR model of soliciting support from our readers and followers for one week every year. This is that week. We ask for seven days and then we don’t ask again for a year.

So give what you can. A dollar. A fiver. A hundo. Nothing. Your readership is the only support we’ve ever truly wanted. This drive simply ensures you’ll continue to have unique work to read.

The link to support is right here!

And on behalf of Robert, a sincere thank you. After the Super Bowl, we’re back to business, and the most pivotal Chicago Bears off-season in a generation.
