Audibles From the Long Snapper

| December 3rd, 2009

Chris Williams Moved to Left Tackle
Lovie Smith officially acknowledged today that the team has moved Chris Williams to left tackle.  Of course, in typical Chicago Bears fashion, they waited until Orlando Pace could be embarrassed and subsequently injured by the fierce Vikings defensive front.  Jay Cutler’s blindside immediately becomes the only thing worth watching against the St. Louis Rams.

On a side note, I think Steve Rosenbloom is out of line in questioning whether Orlando Pace quit on Lovie Smith Sunday.  Pace is one of the greatest left tackles of the post-LT era and he’s done more than enough in this sport to warrant a pass on being dominated by a player in his prime.  Rosenbloom loves the team, it’s obvious in his writing, and he’s disappointed.  But ease off on this one.

Jarron Gilbert to debut this week?
According to Jerry Angelo, he’s fit and ready for action.  If this is the case, it’s an intelligent move.  The next five weeks can become about a lot of players.  There is no reason that Gilbert shouldn’t be worked into a rotation of Alex Brown and Gaines Adams as Adewale Ogunleye is worked out of the lineup.  The Bears also must give Jay Cutler a chance to throw the ball to Devin Aromashodu, a player he has been excited about since training camp.  Maybe a post pattern?  Something not a bubble screen or go.

Where is ownership? 

Mike Imrem writes a MUST READ column in the Daily Herald asking some very obvious questions.  Here’s the entire open:

For years now my measure of upper-level leadership has been how Steelers owner Dan Rooney was described by Mean Joe Greene.

“When things go as planned, Dan is in the background,” Greene said. “When things don’t go as planned, he’s in the forefront.”

Unless I’m mistaken, six losses in seven games signals that things aren’t going as planned for the Bears.

So where are the ownership McCaskeys? Where is club president Ted Phillips? Where is general manager Jerry Angelo?

All of them should be so visible these days that we get tired of seeing them.

Maybe Lovie Smith’s $5.5 million annual salary is enough for him to be the point man taking all the hits.

Some really good stuff from a really good writer.  Click the link and read the rest.