Expectations of Greatness

| July 7th, 2009

I had a wonderful conversation last night at Josie Woods Pub, conveniently located here in the city that never sleeps (but often feels like it’s in a coma).  We discussed what I believe is the coming Golden Age of American Soccer, compared the depth of the PGA field during the heydays of Nicklaus and Woods, argued about whether Tony Stewart’s wrecking of Kyle Busch to win at Daytona on Saturday night was warranted and he explained to me what a blue line is. 

When the conversation got to football, the Giants and Bears fans asked each other one question.  “What do you expect from your club this season?” 

“11-5,” he said.  “Division title and one playoff win.”  A very honest answer.

“How about you?” he asked.

“Super Bowl.”

He laughed but I realized that for the first time in my life as a Chicago Bears fan, I believed what I was saying.  For the first time in my life as a Chicago Bears fan, I expect them to be the best team in the NFC.  I expect them to win more games than any team in the conference.  I won’t expect a championship because anything can happen in those sixty minutes in February.  But I expect them to be in the game.

Now I challenge you.  Tell me who’ll stop them from getting there.  And make a convincing argument.  If I go into the actual season feeling this way, this place can erupt into anger and disappointment quite fast.