There’s One Born Every Minute

| July 10th, 2010

An email from loyal reader Phillip Lamb is following, with a photograph.  Sometimes this site makes me almost too damn happy for words.

Hi Jeff,

I’ve been following your blog since ’06 and always
enjoy your posts. When you had those shirts printed up I had to order
one, of course. Since then, my wife got pregnant. Take a look at the
photo below – the t-shirts work GREAT as maternity wear, assuming one’s
wife is OK with the progeny being labeled as a Bears fan before they’re
even born. Ours was born yesterday – Corbinien. St. Corbinien was the
saint who, after having his mule eaten by a bear, tamed the bear . So,
the t-shirt works on multiple levels, which I like 🙂


phil for the site.JPG