We’ve got four tee shirts remaining from our illustrious and well-selling 2012 collection. The shirt, which outsold our other shirts combined by a factor of 100, is seen both above and below.
We’re giving all four of the remaining shirts away. All you have to do is guess the Bears first round selection below. If more than four people guess the first round selection correct (nobody guessed last year’s) we’ll carry those people into the second round and so on.
Your selection must be listed in its own comment. Don’t bury it in the body of some long-winded commentary about DJ Fluker. Here is an example of what your selection should look like:
1st Round Pick: Manti T’eo
I will not be providing post updates throughout the night. I will write about the selection once the selection is made. To follow my commentary throughout the first round of the draft, get over your fears and follow me on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
Who is my guess for tonight’s selection? The guy below: